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Writer's pictureShivani Nair

How to Ace in Online Classes?

Now that some of the Universities have decided to move their classes online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that we acknowledge a few details about it on how to ace the online classes!

Acing online classes can be a little bit easier/ harder depending upon your previous routine of schedule. You had a fixed routine when you used to attend classes offline. But now, you have to completely re-arrange your schedule to fit into the online classes.

So here are a few tips that would help you to ace your online classes. (Remember, this may not work for everyone, but you may as well try doing it!)

1. Make a Schedule and Get into a Habit.

Like the schedule you made (if you had one), make one for this too. Do not treat online classes to be less important than any of your offline classes.

Make a new schedule, work on your previous schedule and do things that you would normally do, if you had an offline class.

Log in to your online class at least 5 minutes before so that you would not have to constantly seek approval to get into the classroom and not constantly disturb the smooth functioning of the class.

Go about your daily chores, refrain from doing anything that you would normally not do during your offline classes.

2. Dress Productively

Yes, Yes! I know! I know that this is an online class and you don't really need to sit dressed up like an offline class, but believe me when I say that dressing up as if you were in your Law School would help you immensely. It will keep the focus on yourself as well as the classroom and you would feel more connected. You will remain more focussed and would be able to pay more attention to your classes.

Even if you are just dressing the upper half of your body formally and well, remain in your pyjamas, it would not matter as at least you got up and thought of dressing up!

You have now tricked your brain into being more attentive!

3. Keep your Camera On or............. Don't.

Should you keep your camera on? Well, while most people would say that keeping your camera on keeps you accountable for the actions that you do, I, on the other hand, would disagree.

Why so?

This is because, on a video call, you are likely to look at your own face. Which can be a HUGE distraction.

During offline classes, you don't get to see your face right? Which means, you won't spend hours of your day looking at yourself- whether you're dressed accurately or if you're talking properly without being conscious about yourself. You only get to see yourself during the breaks when you visit the washroom.

So why do you have to distract yourself? Keep your mind focussed on the lectures. Of course, the drawback would be that your teachers won't be able to see you, but that's where your integrity comes in right?

4. Put your phone on DND mode - DO NOT DISTURB

By putting your phone on the DND mode, you tend to avoid almost all of your distractions. This way, you can work on your classes, your notes, stay focused throughout!

Using your mobile phones cause a lot of distractions and makes you miss out on important points. You will ultimately have to ask your peers again, something, which you could have noted down if you'd avoided using your phone!

5. Make your own notes!

Can't really stress how important this is. Considering you are no longer in an offline school and you cannot attend classes as usual, which means you cannot ask your teachers for doubts again unless they ask you to talk to them. So it is important to write everything down so that you can consult your teachers and ask them queries when they keep their "queries-time" open for you!

Let me know if you wish to add a few tips to this! This post was small and easy to read, because the trick to ace classes isn't that complicated. To the contrary, it is easier! Much easier!

If you haven't already, check out my Instagram page for updates on blog and more of such stuff. I also provide study tips and other tips on Instagram, so be sure to follow me there-

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